Young Children with ADHD

The American Academy of Pediatrics ADHD Diagnostic and Treatment Guidelines published in 2011 indicated that children as young as 4 years of age could be diagnosed with ADHD.  This article outlines the symptoms and treatment suggestions for pre-school and kindergarten aged children.

Symptoms in pre-school and kindergarten aged children can include:


•Unable to sit through games, stories, and circle time.
•May roll around on the floor or crawl under tables.
•Constantly asking questions but racing off before questions are answered.
•Stop running/moving only when they collapse from exhaustion.
•Seemingly unaware of routines, rules, expectations even after several months in preschool.
•Struggle to consistently meet preschool and social expectations.
•Run into objects and people.
•Climb on things, jump off things.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the following treatment guidelines:

  •  Evidence-based parent and/or teacher-administered behavior therapy as the first line of treatment.
  •  If the child continues to have moderate-to-severe problems, then additional assessment and medical management is recommended.

Treatment plans should be developed based on the unique needs of the child and family.




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