Five Action Steps for Planning Projects and Achieving Goals

As you are setting goals, it is important to make a plan to achieve those goals.  This project planner is designed to help students and adults have a tool to break projects and goals into major action steps and smaller tasks.   In the following article, Dr. Davenport explains how to use this tool. Download the…

Self-Control Starts with Self-Awareness

The first step to self-control is self-awareness. It is important to help your child or teen to identify the situations that lead to her impulsive acting before thinking. Next, help her recognize the impact of her impulsivity on herself and others. Flip this impact into a benefit of developing and working a plan to overcome impulsivity.

Understanding the Brain Chemistry of Self-Control

A child is less likely to be hard on herself about impulsivity and more willing to start working toward a solution once she understands that she did not cause the brain chemistry that causes this most difficult difficutly, and that she can learn strategies to help control it,

Structuring Your Notes for Success!

When taking, reviewing, and studying notes, it may be helpful to apply some structure so that you can better learn the information. This can be especially useful if your teacher or professor is not really organized in his or her presentation style. Ask your instructor questions if you missed or don’t understand something: he or…

Notetaking Tools & Tips

Because taking notes in class involves a number of executive functioning skills students with learning and attention problems can benefit from receiving copies of teacher’s lectures so that they have the information needed to prepare for tests. Students are encouraged to continue taking notes using specific tools outlined in this post.

Executive Functioning & ADHD

Executive functions (attention, organization, time management, response inhibition) help us start & stop actions in order to achieve goals and stay connected socially.

Increasing Focus on Instructions, Teaching, & Tasks

Classroom accommodations are a vital part of the management process for students who struggle with sustained attention.  Parents are encouraged to collaborate with their students’ educators to consider these classroom accommodations designed to increase their focus on instructions and tasks while facilitating success in their academic and personal efforts. Increase Focus on Instructions Provide preferential seating…

Completing a Weekly Review

High school and college students may find it helpful to schedule an appointment with themselves at the beginning of the week to complete a preview of what to expect. To do so, download the Student Weekly Review Worksheet and follow these instructions. Past-Forward First, look at the past week and see if there are any…

Executive Functioning: Self-Management

Self-management involves the executive skills that are necessary to stay on track in life and then get back on track when we have lost our way. Self-Monitoring Self-monitoring is the ability to think about your thinking, self-evaluate, and self-regulate to stop unproductive behaviors and stay the course to reaching your goals.  Children with poor self-monitoring often…