Thoughts about “Labeling” Children

Labels are dangerous when they replace our view of a child as a person, but a diagnosis describing specific symptoms identifies the help she needs to be successful.

Helping Your Student Remember To Take Homework Home

Many students who struggle with executive functioning skills forget to bring home all the things they will need to complete their homework. If your student struggles with this, ask her to try these suggestions so you can save trips back to school. Write it down. When writing an assignment on your planner or to do…

Collaborative Educational Care

Because attention, anxiety, mood, and executive functioning difficulties can hamper major life activities including learning, many children with these challenges can benefit from additional assistance and/or accommodations at school. We can help parents and educators collaborate to meet students’ unique needs.

Improving Reading Fluency

Reading fluency involves reading text accurately and effortlessly so that it sounds as if you are talking. Many students with executive functioning difficulties like ADHD make reading errors that hamper their speed and understanding of what they read. In this article, Dr. Davenport outlines research-based information about improving reading fluency.


Annotating is a fancy word used for “marking or highlighting a novel.”  It is like talking with a book: annotating allows you to ask questions, comment on meaning, and mark events and passages you want to revisit. It is a permanent record of your conversation with the text. Why Should You Annotate? Some people say…

ADHD and Dyslexia

I’m often asked, “What is the difference between the learning difficulties experienced by a child with an attention disorder and those seen in a child with a specific learning disorder like dyslexia?” This is a tough question because both can have problems with reading and spelling, and both can have low scores on standardized tests of…

Seven Steps to Help Kids Set Goals for Success

Just like the soccer team, individual goal achievers must identify their goal, recognize the benefits of reaching their goal, identify the major obstacles standing in their way, identify the skills and knowledge they need, identify those who can help, develop a plan of action, and then set a deadline.

Writing Checklist

Students with attention and executive functioning challenges often fail to check their final drafts to make sure they have used proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and contextual conventions.  This checklist is designed to help your student complete this often boring and monotonous task.