Executive Functioning and Attention Management

These three executive skills involve attention management: sustained attention, working memory, and organization.

Sustained Attention

Sustained attention is the ability to maintain attention to a specific situation or task despite distractions, poor mental energy, fatigue, or boredom.   This skill is often misunderstood because of some of the terms we have used to describe this problem over the years. For example, “attention deficit” makes it sound as if an individual with ADHD cannot pay attention to anything when, in fact, we pay attention to everything.  Sustained attention is really about maintaining attention to the right thing at the right time.

Working Memory

Working memory is the capacity to hold information in mind while performing complex tasks.  This skill is important for following multiple-step instructions, including solving complex multifaceted math procedures and problems.  Organizing ideas for writing can also be hampered by poor working memory.  Working memory is largely responsible for the learning challenges children and teens with executive functioning problems can experience.  Research has consistently shown that working memory is directly affected by poor sustained attention.


Organizational abilities involve creating and maintaining systems to keep track of information or materials.  Over the years, I have seen problems with these skills keep thousands of smart people from experiencing their full potential.

In today’s face-paced world, organizational systems are critical to success in school, business, and life. To get and stay organized, one must maintain strong attention management skills.  Many students start the school year excited to have all their new organizational supplies.  A week later, the new has worn off, they stop paying attention to their organizational schemes, and before they know it they are carrying around a backpack stuffed with papers in no particular order. Many adults do the same: we get busy and forget to stay organized: in the end, we easily lose important information and materials.

Need Help in Improving these Executive Functions?

The good news is these executive skills can be improved! We can help:  Contact us to make an appointment.

© 2010-2018, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.
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