Do You Provide Neurofeedback for ADHD?

According to the National Resource Center on ADHD,  “Current research does not support conclusive claims about its efficacy. Based on the available evidence and the cost involved, parents and others should continue to exercise caution if considering neurofeedback as an intervention for themselves or their child.”  Therefore, we have decided not provide neurofeedback as a treatment for…

What about Continuous Performance Tasks for ADHD?

No, we do not administer these expensive type tests because they are not yet approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics or the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.  Our evaluation focuses on evidence based information gathering from the people who know your child the best – parents and teachers – through clinical interview…

Family Problems

Some parents are embarrassed and hesitant to share information about family problems.  These are important matters for Dr. Davenport to consider.  Remember, that all information you share with him is confidential.  Dr Davenport has been working with families for 20 years: during this time, he has dealt with many private family issues in a professional…

Why do we need teacher input?

 In order to diagnose ADD/ADHD and most other childhood/adolescent disorders, we must be able to show that  the symptoms are seen at home and school.  During the school year, it is best to have the teacher complete a questionnaire, but during the summer, gathering this information can be challenge.   If you have report cards, parent-teacher meeting notes,…

What is the Parenting Success curriculum?

Parenting Success! is not a “parenting class” or a boxed curriculum.  For parents of children aged four to twelve, it is eight weeks of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy designed to meet the specific and unique needs of each child and family.   Parents of teenagers receive ten weeks of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy designed to meet the unique needs of…